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vWii Modding Guide

This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.

SD Preparations


If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.


If you haven't already, make sure you did a NAND backup and have the Aroma Environment installed on your Wii U.

Otherwise, proceed to Installing Aroma or Modding the vWii without modding the Wii U side



If the evWii Aroma plugin is not installed, and a homebrew app hangs, the only way to shut off the Wii U is by pulling the power cord. Pulling the power cord in some cases can cause a memory corruption so it is highly recomended to have the plugin installed.


Section I - Files

  1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
  2. Copy the contents of the file to the root of your SD Card.
  3. Copy the contents of the file to the root of your SD Card.

Section II - Installing the Homebrew Channel

  1. Boot into Aroma.
  2. Launch the vWii Compat Installer on the Wii U menu.
  3. Press A to install the Homebrew Channel and wait until you see Install succeeded. Then press the HOME button to return to the Wii U Menu.
  4. Launch vWii (the Wii Menu icon).
    • If the installation has succeeded, you should see the Homebrew Channel in your Wii Menu.

Required Reading

You can now use the Homebrew Channel to launch Wii homebrew apps.

Note: When installing Wii homebrew applications on your SD Card or USB drive, your folder structure should look like this:

💾 SD Card
 ┗ 📁 apps
   ┣ 📁 <AppName1>
   ┃ ┣ 📄 boot.dol
   ┃ ┣ 📄 meta.xml
   ┃ ┗ 📄 icon.png
   ┗ 📁 <AppName2>
     ┣ 📄 boot.dol
     ┣ 📄 meta.xml
     ┗ 📄 icon.png

AppName1 and AppName2 are placeholder names. Do not nest multiple apps folders inside the apps folder itself. Do not Get confused with the apps folder inside of the wiiu folder and the apps folder on the root of the SD card.


Continue to Installing Priiloader